- Alabama
- Oklahoma
- Texas
- Missouri
- Penn State
- South Florida
- Georgia
- Auburn
- Ohio State
- Texas Tech
- Florida
- Utah
- Kansas
- Boise State
- Vandy
- Oregon
- Fresno State
- Oklahoma State
- Virginia Tech
- UConn
- Michigan State
- Northwestern
Alabama has played two Top 10 teams (#3 Georgia and #9 Clemson) and beat both. Oklahoma has played one Top 25 team (#24 TCU) and won. Alabama also had harder games than Oklahoma's cupcakes, so I reward the better team with better wins. And it isn't Oklahoma.
Missouri and Texas Tech don't get a lot of love for being off. Teams that did play make better statements. Texas Tech still hasn't played anyone of significance, so being #12 is a big favor in my opinion. BYU has done the opposite by making statements against the teams that they played.
Georgia stays in front of Auburn because losing to the top team by 11 is still more impressing that barely beating Tennessee by 2. USC was better than Florida last week, and both losing to unranked conference foes doesn't have me feeling like changing that. Ole Miss still has two losses, just like Oregon State.
Kansas was off so they don't move much, as didn't Boise State. Vandy was off, still riding the wave.
Oregon beat Wash St. 63-14, so that bounces them back in to the top 20. Boise State is there only loss, so that makes them look even better. Fresno barely held on to UCLA so they don't make any leaps either.
Ok State, Va Tech, UConn, Mich St., and Northwestern are all new to the Top 25 this week. Ok State is unbeaten as is UConn. Va Tech only has one loss as does Michigan State. Northwestern is unbeaten and tied for first in the Big10.
Falling out are TCU, ECU, Illinois and Wake Forest.
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