
The Sarah Palin Show

The "amazing woman" with the "amazing record of reform" who has been breathing new life into not only the Republican ticket, but the Republican party.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Sarah Palin show.

Price of admission? Free of course! Come one, come all and enjoy the magnificence of the woman who the GOP itself admits is the most experienced candidate *period* for the office of President.

Just don't ask her about her family. Or John McCain's plans as President. Or her plans as Vice President. Or about her experience. Or about Troopergate. Or about the Bridge to Nowhere. As a matter of fact, don't ask her anything. Just listen to her talk about how being mayor of a small town and Governor of Alaska has prepared her. Just listen to the talking points.

My problem with Sarah Palin isn't that she is a woman or a mom, or even a Republican. As a matter of fact, my biggest problem with Sarah Palin seems to be the people that surround Sarah Palin. These are the people that keep her locked away on her own plane and bus and send her to do an interview with Charles Gibson with a list of answers she isn't allowed to deviate from. I heard her talk about her family a lot at the RNC, and then I was beaten over the head by her spokespeople about how I can't talk about her family. Then I was beaten over the head with how she is a reformer, a champion against earmarks and frivolous spending. But if I ask about her hiring a lobbyist as mayor of Wasilla, or supporting earmarks like the Bridge to Nowhere, I'm told to calm down and to quit using Liberal smear tactics.

See, when Hillary was running she was attacked nonstop. And the fact she was a woman didn't seem to stop anyone. The GOP argued that if she was to be taken seriously then she better get used to it and stop hiding behind the fact she was a woman. But not the same talking heads, like Nancy Pfotenhauer, tell the Libs that they should back off and show some respect.

The GOP has this nasty little habit of locking into about three messages and driving them home. Its saddening how effective it is. In 2004 they got John Kerry with being a "flip-flopper" which is the dumbest thing anyone has ever said. And for about seven years they have been driving the fear of terrorism and 9/11 against the general public. This year they added experience as the newest buzz topic. They ignore that as a Senator, John McCain has no more Commander in Chief experience than Obama. Then they put Sarah Palin up as this machine on foreign policy and experience. As if running Alaska for three years makes her more ready to run the country than anyone else.

In her acceptance speech Sarah Palin talked a lot about John McCain. She talked even more about her family. Then she trashed Obama for a long time as well. What didn't you hear? Any substance at all. Not a single plan, not a single policy, not a single detail. Know why? Because they are the same as the Bush administration is doing know. But the GOP is trying to make it about the personality, not the details. Obama has talked at length about his plans, even outlined almost all of them. But when I talk to people, they say such garbage as "neither one of them will change anything" or "Obama doesn't have experience" or "we lose with either one". And most of these people then state that McCain at least has more experience (!?!) than Obama, so they'll go with him.

So congratulations to the Sarah Palin Show. It seems the GOP spin machine and misdirection team are on there way to winning another one. The sad thing is that America won't realize it for four more years, and by then everyone will be so apathetic it might not matter.

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